2023-2024 Teach Of The Year

2023-2024 Teach Of The Year Read More

Golden Apple
September 2023 Winner - Kelley Davis:(Northeast High School)

teacher it's all I've ever wanted to do when I was little I would line my stuffed animals up and I would get them to learn how to read even at the age of three..   Read More

Golden Apple
October 2023 Winner - Joey Etheridge:(Clarkdale High School)

I saw my parents who were both teachers and the impact they had on lives you saw that affection that they had toward kids and it was reciprocated by the kids..   Read More

Golden Apple
November 2023 Winner - Vicky Stephens:(Southeast Middle School)

I wanted to become a teacher all my life when I was little I loved working and helping others and I just always knew that I wanted to be a teacher so that was the path that I wanted to choose..   Read More

Golden Apple
December 2023 Winner - Madison Mayatt:(Northeast Lauderdale Middle School)

I truly believe that if my children feel cared for and they feel loved then in return, they're going to love and they're going to care for me..   Read More

Golden Apple
January 2024 Winner - Charlie Sorto :(Quitman High School )

I try to influence young people to be better versions of themselves by the time I get done with them...   Read More

Golden Apple
February 2024 Winner - Kelly Higginbotham:(Kemper County High School)

after 22 years of teaching she says experiencing that light bulb moment with a student never gets old when a child gets something that they've been struggling with..   Read More

Golden Apple
March 2024 Winner - Michael Franklin:(Newton County High School)

Having a positive influence on his students lives is one of the main reasons that he teaches...   Read More

Golden Apple
April 2024 Winner - Cristy Creighton:(Enterprise High School)

The award really means so much to me just to be recognized for it and know that your work is valued..   Read More