2023-2024 Teach Of The Year

Kelley Davis - Northeast High School

The Meridian Star Article

We are thrilled to announce that Kelly Davis, an exceptional English literature teacher at Northeast High School, has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Golden Apple of the Year. Mrs. Davis, who was also honored as the September Golden Apple Teacher of the Month, has dedicated her career to inspiring a love for literature and learning in her students.

From a young age, Mrs. Davis knew that teaching was her calling. Reflecting on her early passion, she shared, "There are so many things that I love about being a teacher. It's all I've ever wanted to do. When I was little, I would line my stuffed animals up and teach them to read. Even at the age of three, I would go into other classes and want to read in front of other kids. I thought it was exciting." Her enthusiasm for teaching and her love for literature have been constants throughout her life.

Mrs. Davis's passion for her subject is infectious. She has a unique ability to engage students who might initially struggle with English. "I get kids that tell me English is their worst subject because it's not as cut and dry as some other subjects. If I can get a kid excited about what I'm teaching and they tell me that I'm a storyteller, I feel accomplished. They get into the story and realize it relates to movies or TV shows they enjoy. They start pulling those elements into their interests. I have kids who tell me it's the first time they've read a book or made it to the end of one. I think part of that is because I love it so much, and that enthusiasm pours out to them," she explained.

Her students are not the only ones who benefit from her dedication. Mrs. Davis hopes to inspire new teachers to enter the profession with the same passion for students and education. "Teaching as a career is not something a lot of people are choosing because it's very difficult, but it's valuable. We need more teachers who understand and love the kids, the education, and the fact that we're preparing the next generation for whatever they become," she emphasized.

Mrs. Davis's remarkable dedication, passion, and ability to connect with her students have earned her this well-deserved recognition. Her impact extends beyond the classroom, shaping not only the minds of her students but also the future of the teaching profession.

Congratulations, Mrs. Davis, on this outstanding achievement! Your commitment to education and your students' success is truly inspiring.