- The NBC30, CBS24 , FOX30, BOUNCE-TV, and METV "Golden Apple Award" is open to any full-time
educator, grades K through 12th who works in the following seven county area: Lauderdale, Neshoba, Kemper, Clark,
Newton, Choctaw and Sumter.
- Candidates may be nominated for the Golden Apple Award by colleagues, students, and/or community members.
Candidates for consideration cannot be nominated by an immediate family member.
- To nominate an educator for the Golden Apple Award, you must:
- Submit an essay (no more than 500 words) nomination letter using this form or an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of white paper.
Nomination letter should be typed or neatly written. Illegible forms will be disqualified.
- Include your reasons for the nominations and your experiences with the teacher that should qualify them to receive
the Golden Apple Award.
- Include the teacher's name, school name and phone number along with your name, address, phone number and
relationship to the nominee.
- Nominations should be based on outstanding teaching methods and not extracurricular activities,
- Mail entry form to: